On 20 February 2025, H.E. Ms. Lada Phumas, Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia together with Team Thailand in Malaysia welcomed the Thai business representatives in Malaysia, who joined the Thai Biz Get Together Dinner, which was organised for the second consecutive year, at the Thai Ambassador’s Residence. Mr. Phasit Chudabuddhi, Consul-General of Kota Bharu also attended.
The Ambassador addressed the event’s objectives, which are to promote networking among Thai businesses in Malaysia as well as with the Embassy and Team Thailand in Malaysia according to the Royal Thai Government’s Proactive Economic Diplomacy policy.
The Embassy, Team Thailand in Malaysia and the Thai business representatives discussed and exchanged useful information related to doing business in Malaysia, key economic developments in Malaysia as well as the concerned geopolitical challenges. The meeting was productive and vibrant.
On this occasion, the Ambassador extended appreciation to the Thai businesses for their unwavering support for Team Thailand in Malaysia and reiterated the Embassy’s readiness to provide its continued support for Thai businesses in Malaysia, while acting as a bridge to connect Thai businesses among one another, and to protect Thais living in Malaysia.